Customer Service Feedback is Good!
There is often a great reluctance to fill in those customer feedback forms that appear on customer service desks and bank counters yet the truth is, as anyone in business will tell you, they are an invaluable tool, not for just for feedback on how to improve or do things better but for good ideas as well.
For us feedback is vital, which is why when Boatshed Dartmouth sells a boat both the buyer and seller are sent a short feedback form to complete and return (a stamped addressed envelope is included of course!) with their responses to the service they have received. There is also space on the form for them to add their own comments. Our return rate is around 95% so it would seem the short one page, six question format meets with our customer’s approval.
Typically we receive feedback comments like:
“This is one occasion where I have been happy to pay commission on a sale. I feel Paul has worked hard for his fees and I am very pleased with the service I have received” ( Mark, former owner of Mystique
But what actually happens to all those forms (and with over a million pounds worth of boats sold in just over 18 months there are quite a few) when they come back? Does anything change or improve? Well yes we do take it all seriously and read them all, and act where needed to improve.
A case in point was a recently returned form from a purchaser that included an overall satisfaction rating of 4 out of 5 and this additional comment:
“… however I do feel my day was spoilt by the transit to Dittisham and although you mentioned it in passing providing assistance to get the boat down the river I feel this should have been more of an automatic service for me to opt out of if I wished. That said I was very happy with the overall level of service and communications you offered throughout the purchase of ‘Olli’. David, new owner of ‘Olli’
This indicated that in all our post sale and in this case, pre-launch advice and checks we had over looked the need to provide additional information and guidance on what new owners not familiar with the narrow channel of the upper reaches of the River Dart might need. All purchasers already received a twelve page ‘Directory of Local Contacts’ from us providing details on surveyors, engineers, marinas and more in the local area. So without any more ado we sourced a local licensed river pilot, added his details to the directory and also included a detailed introduction on the first page about navigating away from Baltic Wharf involved and what services are available for pilotage down the river.
Other comments received about our level of service include:
“ Paul Singer is a gem. Also your contacts and coverage must be good because you sold a boat that is not everyone’s cup of tea!” Peter, former owner of ‘Tango’
“A highly professional and friendly service, quality delivery and an outstanding result – to be recommended to others - no question!”Sean, former owner of ‘Capester’
“I was not expecting to sell my yacht so quickly. Paul was present at every stage of the process and took a close interest, keeping me fully informed. His knowledge, expertise and involvement brought about a speedy conclusion.” Chris, former owner ‘Magic Moon’
So if you are asked to complete a feedback form anywhere do the business a favour and fill it in! They really do help!
Thinking of Selling Your Boat?
Boatshed Dartmouth can help you prepare your boat for sale and can have it on the market within days available to Boatshed’s own database of over 380,000 registered users. And now the photographs are 4 times the size and as always we sell boats on a ‘No Sale, No Fee’ basis.
Click here to contact Paul about selling your boat
Click here to speak to Paul Singer, Boatshed Dartmouth
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